Thursday, June 23, 2005

Finally started the design

I finally finished the planning for the design of the site I'm making. I started off with some simple three panel layout, using div's and CSS for positioning and colours. It actually took some experimenting before deciding on that.

Since they want images for links, it's going to take some tweaking to make it usable. However, I think it's an interesting challenge making a 'playful' site, at the same time trying to make it accessible for different browsers, platforms etc... From start I was considering using an existing solution I had since way back, just tweaking the css, changing some background images etc, but this proved difficult since the design was quite different from what I had in that project, meaning I would have to clean up a lot before tweaking.

After a lot of tweaking, and deleting of entries I had no use for in this design, I could finally relax for a while. I shut down the design-computer, writing this final line for the night, happy with a good starting design...

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