Monday, July 03, 2006

Requested: Video texture in MDX

I got a request for some code using the TextureReadyToRender with video surfaces in MDX. The following works, but there's a problem with disposing the video texture after the vido ends. I've seen a solution or two, but since the approach with video surfaces won't work for my project, I decided to not implement that part for now. Maybe I'll do it later, just to satisfy my curiosity :)

#region Groundplane with video texture
protected VertexBuffer CreateVertexBuffer(Device dev)
video = Video.FromFile("test.avi");//videoTexPath
//video.Ending += new EventHandler(MovieOver); // TODO: DISPOSING DOESN'T WORK!!
video.TextureReadyToRender += new TextureRenderEventHandler(onTextureReadyToRender);

// vidFrame.Text = Convert.ToString(video.CurrentPosition);
vidLength.Text = Convert.ToString(video.Duration);
//rotX.Text = Convert.ToString(video.CurrentPosition);
catch (Exception err)

CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] quad = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured[4];
quad[0] = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(-300.0f, -300.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
quad[1] = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(-300.0f, 300.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
quad[2] = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(300.0f, -300.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
quad[3] = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(300.0f, 300.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

VertexBuffer buf = new VertexBuffer(
typeof(CustomVertex.PositionTextured), // What type of vertices
4, // How many
dev, // The device
0, // Default usage
CustomVertex.PositionTextured.Format, // Vertex format
Pool.Default); // Default pooling

GraphicsStream stm = buf.Lock(0, 0, 0);

return buf;

/// The onTextureReadyToRender method (called from TextureRenderEventHandler to handle videotexture)

protected void onTextureReadyToRender(object sender, TextureRenderEventArgs e)
if (e.Texture == null)

SurfaceDescription ds = e.Texture.GetLevelDescription(0);

if (ds.Pool == Pool.Default)
sysSurf = _device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(ds.Width, ds.Height,
ds.Format, Pool.SystemMemory);

using (Surface vidSurf = e.Texture.GetSurfaceLevel(0))
if (_tex == null)
_tex = new Texture(_device, ds.Width, ds.Height,
1, Usage.Dynamic, ds.Format, ds.Pool);
using (Surface texSurf = _tex.GetSurfaceLevel(0))
//_device.GetRenderTargetData(vidSurf, sysSurf);
//_device.UpdateSurface(sysSurf, texSurf);
SurfaceLoader.FromSurface(texSurf, vidSurf, Filter.Linear, unchecked((int)0xffffffff));

/// Movie playback has ended

void MovieOver(object sender, EventArgs e)

I've tried the following for disposing (cluttered with disposing some other textures):
protected void DisposeTextures()
if (_textures == null)
foreach (Texture t in _textures)
if (t != null)

if (_tex == null)
_tex = null;
if (video != null)

if (!video.Audio.Disposed)
if (!video.Disposed)
video = null;


I'll update here if I find a link where disposal of the video is explained, I should have one somewhere... From what I remember it doesn't work with only managed directx though, so you'll have to do some other tweak ;)